The day is 24 hrs each hour is 60 minutes and the minute is 60 seconds
so a day is = 1,440 mns and 86,400 seconds
If everyone made a thread every 10 minutes without sleeping he can do 144 #threads a day… still not enough😕
The day is 24 hrs each hour is 60 minutes and the minute is 60 seconds
so a day is = 1,440 mns and 86,400 seconds
If everyone made a thread every 10 minutes without sleeping he can do 144 #threads a day… still not enough😕
every min is the correct time frame then lol
#aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes
lol that would be amazing but can we do it ?😂
Do one every five minutes instead?
Lots of time then.
no time, i spend hours without any thread🥲
1 threadstorm about something you like =15
1 threadstorm about something you experienced =15
1 comment to 25 users
1 thread promoting 15 users's posts
5 yes or no poll threads
2 top 10 list threadstorm = 20
5 replies to notifications
easy 100 threads in less than 2hrs
that’s interesting i loved the strategy
If you make 144 threads a day with replies you should reach 500 threads per day
so let’s give it a try than💪
Maybe do 2 threads every 10 minutes.
the problem is in finding time. During the week most of the time i don’t thread for like 7 to 8 hours, that’s a real problem.
In case Guinness want to make the most threader they won’t count me🤣
Well it all adds up. And when engaging, the thread can add up quickly. My notifications are bombarded.
well I was away for an hour now and yes i just saw the notifications are going crazy and now i am replying on every single one. so it worked 😊
It is amazing how that works. Get involved and engagement comes back at you.
You actually did the calculation😂. The best way to go about it is by making a thread every 5minutes or better still, make more than one thread during the 10 minutes
hahaha we need to all gather up and come with a plan
youre right. we do