I agree that the maxis are insufferable and that guy Matthew Kratter is a straight up statist. I don't know how one could call themselves a libertarian and still advocate for state intervention on the level he's proposing. Like you said though, the hardcore Bitcoin dudes have a point. I could be reasonably called one myself. As a base layer currency for the entire world, Bitcoin is pretty much ideal. I wouldn't propose to replace it with anything. If it's something that Bitcoin's not good at, let's just leave Bitcoin be as Bitcoin. Float other chains to make the rest happen.
This is why I can hold this position and still be all about Hive. I wouldn't propose to run Hive as the base layer currency. While less centralized than other PoS coins, it's still ripe for disruption compared to BTC. That's not what it's for anyway. It's a social media coin. That's all it really does well and it is the best tool out there for that job. Maxis I find by and large don't understand what the value proposition is for Bitcoin, or for any other coin for that matter. They've by and large been burned by scam projects because they have a gambling addiction, and so their gut reaction is to just "go all in" and not acknowledge that they just failed to invest only in things they understand and control their impulses. They remind me of born again Christians honestly. Former egregious sinners who later found God and now somehow find it justified to openly judge the rest of us who never did all those terrible things. Most never stopped being bad people, they just found a new way to abuse others.
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Yeah exactly... every network needs a good niche.
lol that's a really good analogy.