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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-14 14:08

in LeoFinance • last year

1/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

we're starting off rampage with a 6 man tag match between daddy ass & the acclaimed (max castor & anthony bowens) vs the butcher, the blade & kip sabian live in detroit, michigan.

There are 2 pages

damn, this gives me the vibes as though I am watching real life wrestling

thank you, thats what i'm going for @ksam.

i want to be able to better my articulation of what i see as a fan & commentate/document whats going as i improve my understanding of ring psychology & movesets.

2/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

quick pace start with kip & bowens in the ring

bowens shows his strength advantage vs kip, but kip is showing his quickness & catches bowens with a hip toss followed by a stomp to the chest

3/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

bowens doesnt let the offense last as he does a modified fame-ass-er to kip before tagging in max

kip manages to tag in the blade as this happens, and blade is met by bowens & sent into the acclaimed's corner

4/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

blade gets alternating splashes/running elbows from max & bowens until he is back body dropped by max

blade gets body slammed by max after both men were unsuccessful at tagging in their partners

5/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

as blade is on the ground from that slam, max tags bowens back in, bowens goes to the 2nd rope & does a scissor me timbers (leg drop to the crotch) to blade

butcher tags himself in & he looks sunburned af

6/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

butcher drops all 3 members of the acclaimed, tosses bowens out to the floor, allowing kip to do a spring board moonsault on bowens

bowens is rolled back into the ring, but butcher gets him back to his corner

Well I am not a fan of wrestling but I am a fan that you made a #threadstorm out of it. Good on ya.

i do about 4-6 depending on what events or content is released

it just goes to show everything we'd do on web2 can be done on web3

thanks for dropping in

That is an awesome reason. And good on you.

7/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

blade is tagged in & gives a goes for a snapmare take down, only to get a 2 count

butcher is tagged in, butcher & blade do a tag move on bowens, and still only get 2 count

8/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kip is now tagged in & puts a submission on bowens in the middle of the ring

as bowens gets out, kip takes back control, kip canon balls bowens in the corner after tagging blade & then tagging himself back in

9/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

butcher gives bowens a hard backbreaker, but only gets a 2 count again

blade is now the legal man, blade goes to the top rope, & gets chopped in mid air by bowens

both men are desperately reaching for tags

10/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

daddy ass is tagged in, kip is tagged in

daddy takes out all the of his opponents with right hands,

he goes for a fame-ass-er on butcher, but misses & settles for a power slam instead

11/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

daddy rolls out of the ring

max comes in, gives a missle drop kick to blade, a flap jack to kip, daddy ass gives kip a fame-ass-er

the pin fall is broken up blade

12/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

max is tagged & is in control of blade, kip is still down on the mat

after a superkick from max, blade rolls out of the ring to the floor

13/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

bowens is tagged in, and kip gets an "arrival" (uranagi) from bowens & a mic drop (elbow drop) from the top rope by max

the acclaimed & daddy ass the win after the 3 count fall

14/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

now we see a segment from "qtv" (its basically a faction that supposed to be a rumor mill like tmz)

15/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

qtv goes to an interview with powerhouse hobbs, hobbs says "everyone has a story, & it doesnt matter how many pages there are, only thing that matters is who's holding the pen"

16/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

toni storm, joined by riot & saraya is on her way to the ring to have a match vs detriot's own allysin kay (making her aew debut)

she had been a champ in 3 other promotions previously to coming 2 aew

17/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

toni runs kay over & unloads a series of stomps to her chest

kay has gets back to her feet and give a huge big boot to toni knocking her to the mat

17/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kay mounts and pounds toni

kay then gets toni in the corner & gives toni a series of boots back

19/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kay has her leg pulled by saraya and toni catches kay off guard

riot punches kay in the face as toni distracts the ref

toni gets kay to the outside & distracts the ref again so riot & saraya attack her again

20/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kay is rammed back 1st into the barricades, face 1st into the ring post, then shoved back into the ring by toni

kay kicks out of a 2 count

21/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

toni throws kay outside of the ring & kay, this time, attacks riot & saraya & gets back on the ring apron

kay catches toni's neck on the ropes after entering the ring

then follows that with a neckbreaker

22/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

toni retreats, comes back at kay, kay delivers a clothesline, but only gets a 2 count on toni

toni goes to the corner to regroup, kay runs at her for another clothesline & its reversed in to a tornado ddt

23/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

toni goes for her finsher, storm 0, but kay, reverses it & goes for a cover, riot distracts the ref, kay breaks the pin, toni rolls her up

but gets a 2 count

toni hits her with a german suplex

24/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kay is now in the corner & toni gives her a hip attack & gets the storm 0 (piledriver)

toni wins with the 3 count & they spray paint kay before leaving the ring

25/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

we got a promotion from the gunns speaking on wanting to get their title rematch for the aew tag titles

ethan page asks them for some assistance

26/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

coming to the ring, kyle fletcher, NJPW tag champ & NJPW strong tag team champ

he will go 1 on 1 with action andretti, darius martin accompanies action to the ring

(there will be flips in this match)

I love Darius and Dante!

You should use #woo when talking about #wrestling as we want to be attached at the hip with wrestling on #hive!

still warming up to aew talent, its hard to connect when you only see them once or 2 every month. & i can try. @bookerman #woo #woogame

I don't know who they are, but much love. :) @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

These guys must be new. I've never heard of them before.

@wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

I'll love them whoever they are. :) @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

I'm always tagging @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame with just about everything I post on leothreds!

Still with darius and dante I see. Let's have new names!

@wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Good advice. :) Always use @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

@wrestorgonline #woo #woogame with every message we make here! 😜

Hi again Bookerman. :) @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Remember boys, when in doubt, use @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

I'll still waiting for the 2 aboveamed. :) @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Cmon Booker! What's new?

@wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

@wrestorgonline #woo #woogame dropping down the trending list! More new posts!

27/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

both men lock up in the middle of the ring, kyle backs action in the corner & gives him a fair release

crowd is on the side of kyle

action gets dropped by a standing release belly to back suplex

28/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

they lock back up & this time action displays his agility, ducking punches from kyle

action gives kyle a top rope arm drag

then a hurrincanranna, drop kick, torneedo from the bottom rope

29/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kyle kicks out at 2

kyle gives a major kick to action knocking him out of the ring

action is on the floor & kyle puts action back down on the ring side floor with a spinning body slam

30/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kyle runs action ribs 1st into the barricade

(apparently the mats outside the ring are to help prevent lacerations from landing on the concrete below)

31/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kyle rolls action back in the ring & after 3 failed pin attempts on action,

action finally shows some life, reversing another scoop slam & a 1/2 & 1/2 slam

& finally gives a scoop slam to kyle of his own

32/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

action misses a split legged moonsault & eats a super kick to the face

kyle meets action in the opposite corner with a helluva kick, a brain buster, & only gets a 2 count

33/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

action is brought to another corner & kyle sits upon the top rope, action fires off with a right hand to kyles face

34/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

then action kicks kyle in the back of the head with an enzugri allowing him to run up to the top turnbuckle & give kyle a superplex

action lands a spring board 450 splash to kyle but only gets a 2 count

35/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

action tries to get kyle in the torture rack position, kyle gets out & action lands a round house kick that downs kyle by the ropes

36/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

action turns his back to run against the ropes & before he turns around kyle kicks him in the back of the head

37/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

kyle mocks orange cassidy's 1/2 way thumbs up to the camera to promote his feud with him & match for the AEW international title.

now we see a recap of the jon moxley v kenny omega cage match from Wed night

38/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

commentator tony schiavone is now in the ring, he introduces matt hardy, jeffy hardy (brother nero) & issah kassidy (now brother zay)

39/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

matt reminds everyone that when they won in their match last friday vs the firm, matt & private party (brother zay's tag team) are now free from their contracts with the firm faction.

40/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

(and excuse the other thread prior, this is jeff hardy the enigma NOT brother nero)

41/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

jeff says he & matt want to be the aew tag champs (for the 1st time) & austin & coltan gunn come out in protest to the claim

42/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

the gunns announce they are not pleased with the hardys thinking they can have a tag team title shot before they do

43/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

the gunns offer the have a match (with ethan page of the firm i believe) & if the hardys win, ethan will then be contractually under matt hardy.

44/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

mark henry greets us back to aew, to do a 3 way split screen interview of the mogul empire & the dark order factions

the dark order offers for the moguls to join them as they see that the moguls are expanding

45/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

we have reached the main event

tag match:

the dark order (john silver & alex reynolds accompanied by evil uno)


mogul embassy (brian cage & swerve strickland accompanied by prince nana & gates of agony)

46/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

swerve & reynolds start the match

neither man showing they have an upper hand, there are many reversals as they feel each other out & come up with a game plan

swerve tags in cage

47/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

reynolds tags in silver

silver & cage face off in the middle of the ring

then they both have a muscle flexing contest for the crowd

its ended when cage kicks silver, silver gives cage a hurracanranna

48/🧵 #aewrampage #wrestling

cage gives a hurricanranna to silver

who is then picked up by cage for a fall away slam, but falls out & reverses to the same hold as he was in by cage

he gives cage a front body slam

(ive lost interest now)

There are 2 pages