For the tech people:
I am a heavy Hive user for many years. But I didn´t look sooo much behind the scenes when it comes to the technical side of Hive.
And it´s time to learn all this for me now.
Sometime I am not sure though WHAT is really important to know about the technical background and where to start.
Bit lost in this...
Can you give me some advice?
we write bs on the frontends, 20 witnesses encrypt that bs in blocks and write it to the chain on their servers, when you read this it‘s pulled by the frontend from one of them witnesses servers … 🤓
Hahah ok thanks. That gives me a startpoint. :D
Biggest question: Where does the HP and HBD come from, that I earn if someone votes my post?
From the daily allocated and replenished rewards pool 🛁💦🌊🤑💰 The Hive blockchain rewards pool is funded by the inflationary issuance of new HIVE tokens. Each block generated on the Hive blockchain creates new tokens, and 65% of these are allocated to the rewards pool.
Thanks so much for this! :)
my pleasure 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼
I wrote some posts about this a while ago... you can check this one out for starters:
There are some links at the bottom of the article to Hive and InLeo documentation if you want a deeper dive.
Oh awesome, thank you so much! =)
I think you can join HiveDevs Community and Read more about Technical projects
Thanks! Yeah it´s not so much about special projects, more the basic structures of Hive.