CineTV: Another Hive Tribe/Community Worth Investing & Contributing

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Cinetv is a hive tribe/community that am beginning to love because it involves movies. This is a hive platform that rewards people for blogging about movies. I’m a big movie lover and I love talking about movies. The community has been kind and generous to me with their upvotes and they love the movies I post.

Cinetv gives people the opportunity to criticize and give their honest opinions about their favorite movies and shows.

Aside being a great movie enthusiast, am also an investment enthusiast. I love the tokenization of Cinetv tokens called cine tokens.

I see a great potential in Cinetv because it might slowly become what IMDB is, but the decentralized version and imagine the hive community coming together to create a blockbuster movie based on Hive. Movie is serious big business and it’s one of the fastest ways of conveying information and causing a cultural reset.

I have lots of movies and TV shows I will like to share with my hive family and I will try my best to share and drop at least one movie or show review a week, so get ready for great interaction. Let’s deviate from serious topics like life and finance and let’s have fun talking about movies.

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I like the fact that the platform is about movies and entertainment as a whole

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Trust me it’s worth it, you can check it out

Thank you for reminding me of this community)..
If you haven't shared yet - could you tell us about your favorite movie?

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Most definitely working on it. Stay tuned, and get ready for interaction