Positive Loop Process Of Learning

When you decide to learn something new, what are the process of learning it. There are 4 steps, 4 process of learning. We have the thought, decision, action and experience. You wake up one morning and you have the thought of learning something, it could be anything, it could be engineering, carpentry, or crypto. First you need to have the thought of learning something new then deciding what to learn. If you decide to learn crypto, you have to take action towards learning about crypto.


What are the actions? Well, first of all, after having the thoughts, then deciding, don’t procrastinate. Take actions and these actions include, going online to read about crypto and reading beginners guide, this little small acts when done consistently will help you achieve your crypto learning goal. I remember when I was learning how to trade forex, I learnt through a learning group, after learning, some people found it hard to take action. They were scared of losing their money, they were scared of the unknown. Some took action and some didn’t, without actions you can’t gain experience. The people that took the action based on what they learnt in forex, got the forex experience.

This is where the experience aspect comes to play, with your thoughts, decisions, actions and experiences, you will be able to execute what you have learnt perfectly. But learning they say never ends, this means that you have to have new thoughts, combine them with new decisions to take new actions and have a new experience.

People learn at different paces, some people are known to be slow learners and some are known to be fast learners. Some are fast learners because they go through the process faster, some are slow because they go through the process slower. For instance, some get stuck in the thought process. Some take decisions and don’t complete it quickly, they do it slowly, some don’t want to embrace the experience.

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Learning indeed never stops. I think the goal can be to create a system that will allow one to go through the learning process continuously and keep iterating upon it.