Interesting post. Whilst it looks like NFTs as collectibles is here to stay and these will be 'valued' in the same way as any other collectible item, it's the other uses NFTs can be put to that is more interesting to me and I think we've only scratched the surface of what's possible in that respect. Of course, any type of utility given to an NFT can have value, for example an NFT could be a ticket to a gig or a means of sharing royalties from a song or novel. I'm fascinated to see how creative people can get with these other uses, as well as how consumers approach putting a value on them.
Hi, thanks for the response. I couldn't agree more, in a way I feel like the current state of NFTs and rinse/repeat/repackage of projects detracts from some of the potential future applications. We've still got so much more to learn, I am definitely excited to see where this takes us and what is possible with NFTs/what applications we find for them in the wider (non-art/collectible) world. As you say tickets, methods of managing real-world assets, distributing benefits etc.
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