Is not even about the money anymore. Is pure recognition of value, your time or my time here has value. Hive knows how to capture and put a price on that in better ways that any other social blockchain Ive met.
Ive been reading hype pieces about crypto since 2013 moreless. Hive is the only community that everytime I return, they are still there, testing, creating, writing and talking. A true community. Pair this with a decent tech and inflation...
But without the ability for $HIVE itself to generate revenue used to buy the endless supply that our highest earners continue to dump, I'd say $LEO is much more likely to remain >$1.
I agree but what makes you say that?
Isn't that what everyone wants?
Is not even about the money anymore. Is pure recognition of value, your time or my time here has value. Hive knows how to capture and put a price on that in better ways that any other social blockchain Ive met.
Ive been reading hype pieces about crypto since 2013 moreless. Hive is the only community that everytime I return, they are still there, testing, creating, writing and talking. A true community. Pair this with a decent tech and inflation...
Its just a matter of time
Maybe on a speculative pump and dump, sure.
But without the ability for $HIVE itself to generate revenue used to buy the endless supply that our highest earners continue to dump, I'd say $LEO is much more likely to remain >$1.