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RE: ⭐️All The HIVE DOLLARS This Topic Generates Is YOURS Week Sixteen⭐️

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Sure thing....

You can play for free but if you want to earn you will need to pay the $10 fee for the Spellbook. It can be purchased with paypal or crypto. You use your HIVE network keys to log in. When ready click the play now icon and you will be brought to the ranked play section. Once there click the BATTLE icon. You will then be brought to the section where you pick your "team" for battle.

Basic Game Play Suggestions:

Put a Mele monster (cards with the saw icon located on it) with lots of health in the front. Monsters that use magic can go anywhere. Range monsters in the back. Once you get the hang of doing that you can adjust play according to specific rulesets in each new battle. If you purchase the game let me know what your players name is so I can delegate you some cards for 30* days.

My affiliate link:

My delegation offer is valid for anyone who uses my link (while my card supply lasts).


Is there some cupom code for spellbook discount?! $10 bucks is like $55 door me. 😅

No coupon code but you will eventually earn your $10 back plus more.