Lots of exciting stuff happening. The delegation of RC is a big step in the right direction. It will allow start up games such as PSYBERX to get delegated RC instead of requesting delegated HIVE for account creations.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lots of exciting stuff happening. The delegation of RC is a big step in the right direction. It will allow start up games such as PSYBERX to get delegated RC instead of requesting delegated HIVE for account creations.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well the RCs are for engaging, account creation is something different. RC delegation helps once someone has an account but does not help to set them up.
That still comes from the claiming.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I must of misunderstood how claiming accounts worked as I was always under the impression that claiming one cost RC . So with RC delegations shouldn't the account getting the delegation be able to claim an account with their delegated RC? If so that would mean an upcoming play to earn game like PSYBERX can purchase delegated RC and use it to claim account tokens and then offer said accounts to new sign ups.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes delegated RC can be used to claim accounts. But it is a lot of RC (vastly more than regular transactions) and there are only a limited number of claims available. If a lot of accounts are needed and/or if there is a lot of demand for RC to perform transactions, it may make more sense to pay for the accounts.
Hmm you bring up a valid point. Perhaps my understanding of the situation is awry. Maybe the delegation of RC (or renting) is enough to give them the chance to add more accounts.
Will have to look into that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta