Ulfga The Blighted
Ulfga Vaskrathek was once a proud dragutsu of the Gloridax Empire's Dragonsguard, known for her martial prowess and leadership while commanding contingents of drakoshan tasked with escorting supply caravans between the cities of Solace and Oasis. When Dr. Blight's plague first swept across Praetoria, she led efforts to evacuate the afflicted to isolation camps in hopes of containing the infection's spread. But during one such mission, she encountered a group of plague victims who had hidden their symptoms. By the time she realized the danger, it was too late. Lore taken from the official Splinterlands site.
Stats & Abilities (As displayed on Splinterlands)
Slow (Lvl 1):
-1 speed to all enemy units
Untrainable (Lvl 1):
Can not be weapons trained
Poison Burst (Lvl 2)
When defeated, 100% chance to apply Poisoned to attacker and 50% chance to apply Poisoned to units adjacent to attacker. Poisoned units lose 2 health at the beginning of each round
Weaken (Lvl 3)
-1 max health to all enemy units
Rebirth (Lvl 4)
Self-resurrects once per battle with 1 health and 100% armor. All magic debuffs are removed, and all magic buffs are reapplied. Skips turn.
I'm a little late to the party but about a week ago Splinterlands announced a new card that will be (has been) put up for trade named Ulfga the Blighted (Imagery, Lore and Stats displayed above). This isn't just any card but its a Dragon Legendary that comes at the trade cost of 1,500 Vouchers. Every card purchased has a 4% chance of being Gold Foil and you'll be guaranteed to receive a Gold Foil card for every 25 cards purchased in a single transaction. When reading the announcement post I realized one important detail was left out; Where is this card located for Trade? Those of use who routinely visit the Splinterlands site and have played the game for awhile would know but what about the new sign ups? What about a random that stumbles upon the announcement post? Of course its an easy oversight at no fault of anyone but it is the reasoning for this very post. Lets break down the simple steps on how to located this card.
- Sign In To Splinterlands
- Hover over the shop icon
- Scroll to and click Exclusives
- Boom you are in the correct section
"That's great Rentmoney but how do we get Vouchers?"
" Good question, they are dropped for staking SPS; TribalDex for trades"
Trade For Vouchers On TribalDex
------> URL: https://tribaldex.com/trade/VOUCHER
Recent VOUCHER Trade Orders
Date: 12/17/2024
Currently the last sold VOUCHER went for $0.0132163 USD. Based on the last sold Voucher USD value that means 1500 Vouchers will cost you somewhere around $19.82 USD. There is also the option of purchasing directly from those who already traded their Vouchers for this card. One can do that on the official Splinterlands marketplace. Cards for trade from players for players. Current price for a Lvl One is roughly $17.45 USD but that floor can change at any moment as is true for any Splinterland card or asset in general. Visit the official Splinterlands announcement post by clicking anywhere on this highlighted area.. Recent trade orders for Ulfga the Blighted that are available on the official Splinterlands site can be seen below.
Disclaimer: This post contains my Splinterlands ambasador code (Gives me credit for your sign up at no cost to you). Screenshots, Lore and other information has been taken from the Splinterlands official blog and/or the Official Splinterlands Webpage. The @rentmoney blog is for entertainment only and does not contain any financial advice. Always do your own research before investing any of your hard earned currencies. Tomorrows Post: Free HBD/ MEME Token Giveaway (Click that follow button so you don't miss out) Thanks for reading: See you next time, Same Rent Blog; Same Rent Channel!
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Ulfga is a cool card, but I think I will be skipping buying it for now. It's a bit too expensive for my taste.
If for some reason people start selling them on the market for around 10$ a BCX later, I will pick up a Lvl 2.
Sounds like a plan that is as good as any other.
Thanks for your curation efforts.
-----> How To Locate Ulfga The Blighted
I haven't purchased any yet. Thats alot of vouchers. I earn a few everyday but accumulating 1500 would take awhile. I do like that these special cards add a use for vouchers. Should be good for the voucher price over time.
Agreed, 1500 is allot.
I haven't purchased any yet either.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121