I've just gone in a bit harder on this myself - i used the Kepler wallet - I did download Cosmostation but it asked me what network i wanted to set up a new wallet with, I just thought 'too much for now' - Kepler (Excuse spelling) was easy.
The whole process of staking was easy thanks to JK's post.
Very useful info here I will go back and give it a read through later, I'm guessing it makes sense to stake to those people who have bonded more AKT rather than just those with low fees?
I stake to three high up accounts, seemed like a good idea to spread it around.
Nice return, nice to see it coming in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep I thank JK as well, for his posts and the very first sparkle.
For the commission rate I chose a 2% validator instead of a 0% just because of how much skin they put in the game.
I'm afraid the 0% commission guys with no self-bonded stake will just hike up the commissions after their "promotion" period.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta