Hi - the app seems to have just frozen for me, I've got no payout for my last 24 hours and my wallet is showing me this with a 'too many requests' pop up?
I can't seem to do anything, is there a support channel you know of? Discord, or Telegram maybe?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The telegram channel is hyper active here is the link:
I had no problems a few hours ago - claimed reward, swapped some to akt, which I withdrew, staked some osmo, and then pooled some including bonding. I did see that they hit a lot of congestion a bit before them, may have been bad timing for you.
The team have said that early adoption has far exceeded their expectations, thought they'd get a few hundred active users in week one, actually have several thousand. Their is a governance vote to change some blockchain parameters to improve congestion and make things smoother while they work on longer term fixes to improve scaleability. Also the IBC system has been massively stress tested now with live funds, and there is work ongoing to continue to improve its reliability.
Teething problems no doubt, but also a good sign for the long run that the network is popular from day one.
I just push every transaction through with the Low Fee option and then set gas at 6000000. Seems that has been working fine (and it's still free with the low fee setting, no matter what gas you input). 6000000 is the block limit until this governance vote occurs, and the changes are applied likely tomorrow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cheers, all good to know, and thanks for the response in Discord.
Enjoying the Yields, thinking I might unstake some AKT and pile that into Osmosis!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta