It's fun isn't it! Now I've been in for a fortnight I'm calming down a bit on the claiming of rewards and only doing so when I've earned over a certain amount, those fees may be small, but they can mount up.
I even went as far as using some BTC as collateral on Venus to mint VAI, then swapped that for some of these crazy pool tokens,
I even earn 1.5% on the collateral in SXP or something.
It's just a crazy crazy world.
I've opted for the autofarm vaults myself - you earn in stable coin and in Auto.
I've yet to really venture into the nefarious lands beyond the main two!
I think 80-20 is probably about right!
Totally fun!
Yeah, AUTO is another platform that works very similarly from what I can tell. I just wanted to keep things simple for this tutorial instead of showing every possible option :)
I'd love to see a guide on minting VAI with your BTC.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hadn't even thought to do one - I might put together something - It's quite straightforward although TBH paying back a loan does kind of take the fun out of farming!
Come and have a look at the dodgy others and let the greed take the best part of you haha
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta