It may not seem like it when practically everything in this crazy crypto land is looking positive, but there is more to life than crypto!
In fact I might even go so far as to say that if all you have in life is crypto, then that life might qualify as being just a little shallow.
And it might even be the case that too long spent deep-diving into crypto land can result in a reduced quality of life.
In fact I'd say I've experienced the later over the last week - with my dive into the murky waters of Defi - it took a lot of mental energy, often late at nigh, as the compulsion to explore more options overcame me.
THere's a lot to research when it comes to rewards versus risk, the stakes are VERY real,
And then there's the mental energy it takes to resist piling in more funds than I'm prepared to lose, and managing FOMO to just mostly hold what i've got.
Exciting but agitating...
I can't deny that Defi is exciting, and fun, but it also agitates the mind - there's so many variables to consider when you're weighing up risk and reward and there is a tendency to micro-track what's happening to your returns - too many windows, too much flitting back and forth.
This is not good for the brain - it's resulted in later nights, poorer quality of sleep and waking up feeling wired.
A sure sign that it's bad for my mental health is that I struggled this morning to spend 2 hours before breakfast doing a general tidy round, learning some language, and a quick session on the cushion, all I wanted was to get back to my defi explorations.
This means it's become a compulsion, which I'm not sure is good - I'm pretty sure I've now got some good positions open, and it's just a matter of monitoring them!
There's more to life than crypto....
I basically just have to remember that there's more to life than crypto, and I actually quite like my life.
Sure, crypto is money, money is necessary, but then there is this: you have to remember what the point of your life was before you got into Crypto.
And for me that means a pretty basic, down to earth existence, enjoying a physically grounded life in nature - learning new skills, growing my own food, working the land Permaculture stylee.
And of course meditating, breathing, walking, running, and just generally enjoy the spring, which somehow arrived while I was down a Defi hole:
I've somehow lost that balance the last couple of weeks, I need to get back to it.
So crypto is purely an evening thing from now on, it's pointless being compelled to be in crypto land 24-7 when it agitates my mind so much it actually reduces the quality of my consciousness.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Phew. Glad to hear you've come out of the Defi hole. I was quite surprised as the week went on that you were spending so much time there.
Looking forward to some more posts about your independent life and how your land is coming on etc. 😍
I understand the compulsion thing though. I got into that when I was regularly posting on Steemit. And for a while with SL. It's not a life enhancing experience.
A couple of weeks ago I felt I was back to spending too much time getting stuff done on the computer and feeling compelled to do it before I did anything else.
I thought about not opening my laptop for a week and my first thought was "what is I miss the launch of Project Blank". 😂
When I get to that point I usually take myself off for a trip away which always brings back perspective. But, sadly, that's not possible with the continued lockdown.
I have, at least spent less time online this week, which is a step in the right direction.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Honestly I know well the feeling's you're talking about! It is a compulsion being online, and it's not health, here's to time in the real world! On that note I need some lunch!
These last few days I've made a solid effort to get out for some exercise, blackout my bedroom windows, and get to bed before midnight. I'm not in the DeFi hole but I'm seeing charts when I close my eyes - need a balance!
But are you doing yoga in tiny shorts?
Of course :D
Farewell BSC soldier
Joke aside, you are absolutely right about life balance, excess of any kind usually has poor results.
Do the things that make you happy AND healthy.
I'm not yet into the meditating thing but my parents are pushing hard so it might become something sooner or later ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Parents pushing you into meditation, they must be pretty radical parents!
Haha I know right !
Meditation, spirituality, embracing nature, vegetarian and more.
Adding all those together is radically against the current system and narrative though ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I dunno you know, there is a body of thought that says they're pretty good pacifiers!
Yes. 💚
Yep, sure we've all fallen down that rabbit hole - it's knowing your limits and keeping with your exercise routine and having a balance, the usual stuff. There's work-life balance that is always talked about at work, the way crypto is going, it will soon be replaced with crypto-life balance!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Crypto-life balance - I think life was easier on the down trend!
Winter is hard for me because we are mostly cooped up in the house or office doing work. Sure there are some outdoor snow activities you can do, but for the most part we are just trying to keep warm. Summer is when I am able to remove some of the crypto shackles and actually get out and enjoy nature through walks and camping. I think my first step into DeFi will be more of a set it and forget it type of thing with a little bit of money that I am not too worried about if I lose it all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well said, sir!...I'm somewhere similar myself re 'all this crap' v 'the rest of the world'... lol
I think I need to spend more time out there in reality!
Oh yeah, probably many of us in crypto need reminding to balance things out. I was about to say... to check our balances... but that we already do way to often, don't we?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahah - yes maybe not the best analogy given the context!
Very nyc post sir i vote you plz sir upvote me back plz support me