I thought about getting rid of Spotify, but I aint listening to no ads.
I'm on my sister in laws Netflix, and internet is 80 a month.
That's not too bad - I don't find I need much else. WE don't even watch ordinary telly. And SBS/ABC is pretty good too.
Ads girl...Nah mate, not interested! I'm with you on that one.
We rarely watch free to air TV, it's mostly rubbish but SBS Food is pretty good though. You seen River Cottage? That's the good shit right there.
I'll tell you a little story about River Cottage.
When Jamie and I met, we kinda hit it off super fast (if that's what you call shagging all night) and then the next day I'm in his space and he's showing me photos and stuff, you know, getting to know you kinda shyness. And he pulls this book of the shelf and goes, 'you know, this is what I'd really love - some land, some chickens...you know, be a bit self sufficient' - and the book was Hugh Fearnley Whittingstalls's River Cottage.
And within a year, we're living in country England, and we're getting Riverford veggie boxes delivered (River cottage) and I'm growing veggies and a few years after that (six?) we're living here, with chickens and veggies and Landrovers and 17 years of marriage.
Actually, met the guy as well! I have a signed postcard somewhere...
That' pretty cool, the whole story - It's interesting how our lives unfold, under our control and then at the same time not.
There's a River Cottage Australia show also. I guess you've seen it too. I like what he did, that he got in there and made things happen.