I'm barely on LeoFinance Khal as it's all beyond me (this is why I'm not rich). However I've watched you from beginning and seen your vision, progress and steadfastness. The other day I heard you had an app... I mean, WHAT THE!! I have utter faith in what you are doing and kudos to you and your team for the solid, methodical, expert and skilled way you are going about this. It's projects like yours and Splinterlands (another one that's beyond me 🙈) that bring value to HIVE. Im in it for writing and stories - that's my love (and herbalism etc) but without the arterial roads of the baseframe of HIVE, the blogging side of it would be dead in the water. Happy New Year and keep roaring.
Join the lion side!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No one wants to hear about my financial disasters, mishaps and ineptitude.