I hope I'm one of your exceptions. I like to think that my blog posts are quality enough, even if I'm not always to everyone's taste (yeah I know, hard to believe, right?).
I write daily because it's a kind of therapy as I articulate and express better with the written word, and I usually have a lot to say. I like to create. I join in weekly challenges. I take pride in my content and like to think I set an example.
I know it's the instant attention grab but that's the nature of the feed too - you can only scroll so far and usually pick up the dailies, and it's also the nature of the rewards system, as there's no point voting on anything over a day or two old at most.
I like to thing a lot of people are here for the engagmenet too, though recognise it's not why everyone's here, and can see why people get pissedd off with undue rewards or getting very little themselves.
I think more and more HIVE isn't really the place for long form unless you have a burning desire to write it and an audience that might read it. Still, it's a SOCIAL media - shorter posts (for me, that means 300 words minimum) that are still well written and engaging are good enough for what we're set up for. It'd be cool if we had separate reward pools eg long form/short form/micro and you could elect which one you want your post to go in and which you want to play in.
Grateful for everyone who reads and comments on my work. Off to comment on others today, especially the poorly rewarded.
Absolutely a quality writer with some interesting content. I've read lots of them over the years and enjoyed them. I think that the majority of content these days is instant attention so it's never going to be much different on hive.
The days of Shakespeare and Joyce are long gone and we now have random 10 second clips of idiots on Instagram instead.
I think that it could be if we have the right front end with a long term reward system that pays out content for it's evergreen earning potential. But that would need to come from ad revenue or another system as the 7 day payout window just doesn't fit with long term or long form content. If i make a brilliant tutorial that is sitting on the top of google rankings for years then on my own blog it could generate revenue for years. Here if I put ten hours into writing an article it makes money on day one and that's pretty much it. I can write an article in 15 minutes and receive almost the same.
The engagement is the fun part and that is why threads could do very well. Much better to have fun putting out 20 threads a day and not worry about anything while earning a couple of dollars and getting lots of comments than putting out articles for the sake of it if nobody is reading it.
Happy to see this one get lots of comments and engagements but the longer that you are here, the easier it gets.
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