First and foremost, an excellent article to read for a still- a- newbie like me. I do not know much to comment but it provided me much needed information on how Hive growth can happen. Nice article.
Posted Using LeoFinance
First and foremost, an excellent article to read for a still- a- newbie like me. I do not know much to comment but it provided me much needed information on how Hive growth can happen. Nice article.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Hive can scare newbies sometimes :) But dont worry to much, nobody doesn't need to know it all. Just do your thing.
Posted Using LeoFinance
For sure. I will definitely keep reading, commenting, upvoting and posting :D
Posted Using LeoFinance
yes, I have to agree. A very informative read. I find myself making notes when I read your posts. I've recently created a token on HIVE ENGINE and am still developing the mechanics. But it's definitely been a reason for me to use HIVE in exchange for a service.