
Inflation numbers are garbage... it all comes down to the "basket" being used to establish a figure... this means you can create any figure you want by simply adjusting your basket...

What do you think will rightly reflect the situation we are in if not inflation numbers?

That's what I am saying... it depends on what you submit. You can incorporate items that are barely impacted by inflation, or you can incorporate items that are heavily adjusted...

I strongly doubt whether Canadians grocery bills are only up by 2%... which means the data that is submitted and inputted is favorable to a low inflation figure. Not everything is incorporated in the arrival of official inflation numbers...

Grocery is up by 9%

Once again, it's merely a basket... there will be items that are up 30% and higher... likely not included in the basket.

Could be. There are items that are 30% in the basket. The mortgage interest payment.