
I have a feeling it will help the ones here. It wont do anything for newer users although we might get a post with a lot of comments that gets tweeted out and someone sees it. That person might like the engagement and take a look.

But overall the idea is to have engagement so when new people do show up here, they are able to see activity. As I wrote last night, nothing worse than a dead forum (in the old days). People go where there is some action.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see now, I like the concept. I will do my best to add to it daily. I really hope that we onboard new users, but I think that it will take the creation of some new projects to do that (the leobridge being one, as well as blank)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree it will take some other things.

The challenge, as I see it, is onboarding new users means nothing if there is little activity here. Nobody likes a dead site and if that is all they see, that is not going to inspire people to learn more about what is offered.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta