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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Year 4 | Week 7 - Saturday 17 February 2024 | February No-Buy Month | Win EDS for Comments

in LeoFinancelast year

Looks like you are off to a good start, @gerjer.

Nice to see one of your primary motivations, as they are vitally important to our overcoming the inevitable challenges. We can hardly have any higher motivation than the welfare of our family, in general, and our children, in particular.

If I may ask, is Jackson your son?

P.S. "This emana ..." - What is emana?


Hello friend, yes, I think things are going well so far and I hope everything continues in order, Jackson is one of my main motivations and for security reasons I would like you to allow me to reserve the kinship that unites us please.

I meant week friend, hahaha. Well, have a great weekend and much success on your way to reach your goals.