Thanks for getting this update out @leofinance. Very glad to hear you are getting some help in place, so we can look forward to a resumption of the historic good communication which has been sorely missed of late. Also, great to see some attention being paid to the UI, as it has definitely needed some attention.
On this ...
"Needless to say, comms have taken a bit of a back seat since the launch of CUB ..."
... I just want to reinforce the vital importance of it, as I think it is commonly underestimated as to what value it holds. From my experience in life, voids in communication do not remain unfilled. Further they are seldom (unfortunately) filled (as they do get filled, in one way or another) in a positive way.
Perhaps a little "rusty," I find one key bit of info (which has repeatedly been inquired about in Discord) still missing from this post. The WLEO geyser payouts were supposed to come out on the 1st of each month, beginning in April. That did not happen. With no real explanation I ever saw as to why. Here in May? Even more time has gone by ... We are still waiting, again with no explanation I have seen anywhere ...
Please update us on the status of those at your earliest opportunity. Thank you!
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