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RE: CUB Block Reward Halvening, Upcoming Features and Our Mission for Sustainable DeFi

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yes @leofinance ...

"With Cub, we saw the opportunity to solve that exact problem both for ourselves, our existing community and the broader crypto userbase. Bring the best opportunities that DeFi has to offer and deliver them with a reputable brand (LeoFinance), relentless development and ease of use."

[emphasis added mine]

... this is an essential part of the "story," for anyone who wishes to give serious consideration to investing in Cub Finance and performs any due diligence whatsoever. The record of the LeoFinance team has no equal (of which I am aware) on the Hive blockchain.

I will go farther and say I seriously doubt many can match your record of achievement on any blockchain. The steady reinforcement time and time again, of my original impressions of the LeoFinance team since July 2020, has been much appreciated! 👍

So ...

Putting more "money where my mouth is" once more time with enthusiasm, I just invested another 10 BNB into Cub Finance:


Keep up the great work. Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with on the launch of LeoBridge. I am very confident I will not be disappointed.

Onward and upward! 🦁🚀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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