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RE: The Crypto Bear Market Through The Rest Of 2022

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This entire crisis is caused by governments and central banks. Ever since 2007 the financial system has been on life support and central bankers are attaching band aids to keep things going.
Making the global banking system "safer" has caused reserves to go up and lending to stay stagnant as a result. Banks are no safer as a result. All that has happened is that the fees depositors pay to banks have gone up.
What the world needs is more savings. Not more loans. But who in their right mind will lend, i.e. deposit, more money to banks and receive a pittance in interest when government caused supply-line inflation is in excess of 8% pa?
Yes, crypto has a role to play. This relies on improved use cases. Using crypto in "real-life" transactions rather than purely online ones.

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