
You still has some hour left
Battle hard and you will be in Diamond

#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

I did :)

How many chests you will be opening at season end?

58 :)

That is awesome
Best of luck for opening

playing in diamond league should be the target because it is profitable

I agree. My goal is to advance to the diamond league, but I'm not sure if I can do it. I will do my best.

diamond is very difficult I hope they remove not soon on modern to give everybody a fair chance

I know it's hard so I won't fight there. I just want to collect diamond chests next season.

that is a great plan

you just reminded me to enter game, I have to enter now and do the necessary

Good luck to you,


you're welcome

Oh this is a game?

yes, this is best play2game. I'm surprised you haven't heard of Splinterlands :)

got the same problem, i am trying for two days, and 80 energy points spent later, still in gold. i don't think i make it.

same but i will try again.

aren’t bots stoping you

They beat me a lot yesterday, so I expected them to sleep today :)

When can I touch Diamond III again?

I touched :)

So you ended the just concluded season in Diamond III?

Yes, at the last moment :)

I wish I could revisit that League once again. 🤣😂