There is nothing wrong with Hive. It's a great name. The saturation may be present, but changing the name would cost more than the potential positive impact that it could bring. You as a marketeer-expert should know this.
The way we present ourselves must scale, and that is what we should focus on, from my expertise (in terms of UI/UX). If we compare our marketing assets with other Web3 projects, we are behind schedule. We are paving the way, we are being noticed, and we are being ignored by hugely adopted Web2 Socials: this is a sign that we are on the right way. While this also hurts our community. But to be fair, we need education, to turn all of our users that want to promote Hive into well-informed ambassadors. That's the key. Not to change the name.
on it, but it's awkward that it was necessary to use the URL of an ecosystem overview site.I said the name is fine as as a concept. Which is one reason why I want to extend it, not replace it. Working harder to be noticed is going to be less effective when you always need to explain which Hive you're talking about. When you need to point to but immediately explain we don't actually use that site. When you can't be sure that the #Hive tag will lead readers to our Hive. I'm glad I received the T-shirt and bag that @tibfox had printed withThe name shouldn't be an obstacle when we already have so many obstacles to overcome, of which you mention a few. We don't have the massive advertising budgets that companies like ING or bol can spend to compensate for a name that's too common.
Which web3 projects do you think have good marketing assets? I don't know any that aren't both experimental and limited to a Crypto Twitter audience.