While we knew about this for more than a year now, in a recent interview CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey, when talking about his ambitious goal of launching a decentralized version of Twitter - Bluesky, described something awfully similar to Hive.
As if he was trying to tell us about Hive without telling us about Hive and by pitching "his" idea for a decentralized social media platform.
Very cunning Jack, I'll give you that.

Watch video
I wouldn't have issues with this if he gave credit where credit is due by mentioning where he got the idea from.
He intentionally left Hive out of the speech even though we verifiably know he is aware of Hive's existence. Even worse, the way he is describing Bluesky makes it sound like it's going to be an exact 1:1 replica of what Hive did more than 5 years ago when it was first launched under the name of Steem.

This wouldn't be such an existential crisis if what he is creating would actually be a decentralized competitor to Hive, as competition drives innovation and would only propel us further down our road to glory but this is not what Bluesky will be. It will just be a quasi-decentralized cesspool, ideologically entrapping users who want freedom of speech and decentralization, in a platform that won't be able to provide it.
Jack will never be able to release a truly decentralized platform as he is accountable both to his shareholders and the US government which doesn't approve of platforms fostering freedom of speech. Something we've experienced first hand when FBI forced Ned to censor TheDarkOverlord - a notorious hacker group from posting on Steemit after publically demanding ransom for not leaking documents revealing information about 9/11.
Jack, this is unacceptable and we won't let you get away with this easily.
Our voices will be heard!
We did not put in years of collective effort into building this place from the ground up, then rebuilding after the Steem-Sun drama, just so that you can waltz in and copy-paste it to make a few more billions.
Although we can't stop you, we will let the world know that:
- Hive did it first more than 5 years ago back when it was still called Steem
- Hive is the backbone and main source of your inspiration for Bluesky
- Bluesky will turn out to be a copy-pasta of Hive but it will never be truly decentralized like Hive
What I'm asking from you is
To rush over to Twitter and let @jack, @bluesky, and the rest of the world know how you feel about this.
Tag both Jack and Bluesky in your tweets or reply to the following two tweets:



Few ideas on what to write



Before rushing into writing your own tweets, go ahead and give these, and other such tweets some love by retweeting, liking and commenting to gain more traction.
Let's roast this billionaire on his own platform fellas!
Oh ye, and don't forget to visit this post by @theycallmedan and reply with your tweets for a reward.
Why not just ignore Dorsey and keep building and promoting on Twitter?
He has no interest in decentralization; hell he read from a card on the video.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who said we have to ignore him to keep building? We keep building anyway.
Either way, the point is that by releasing Bluesky, Jack will inevitably create a hype-train surrounding the idea of decentralized social media platforms.
Not hopping on this train would be throwing incalculable value away.
Something I'm sure you know we can't afford to pass on.
Especially now that we are at a stage where the only thing separating us from the Hive-utopia-parallel-universe and where we are currently at, is a critical mass of users which we don't have but could get by utilizing legacy social media platforms as a means of promotion and user acquisition.
In my opinion, Jack Dorsey has no power over Twitter whatsoever.
If you recall he was actually fired/removed by the board of directors some years ago, and then brought back.
I think they brought him back because of his somewhat "high profile" in tech/culture.
He goes to all the Congressional hearings, and gets a stern talking to by our conservative politicians, but nothing changes.
I don’t see how informing jack how we feel will accomplish anything, rather, I think we should aim to make sure anyone talking about blue sky knows that something better already exists
You just gotta despise pricks on this level. Immoral like any asshole in a high position 😡
Spam that tweet asap!
This is the proof not to be stupid and uncreative kids...
Inace se ne opterecujem s ovakvim likovima, ali kada ovako diretkno utjece na nesto na cemu radim vec godinama, e onda sam lud :D
Inace me takve papcine kojima je sve u zivotu uglavnom servirano pa misle da mogu sto zele i kad zele idu na znas vec sta. Mi smo hvala bogu ovdje svi glupi, on je jedini pametan...
Wow, these tech CEO's have some pretty big balls don't they? It is pretty sad how people can be so disillusioned by their belief that these people are ground breakers when really they are just recyclers and bandits for the most part.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With the amount of cash backing them up, it would be a surprise if they didn't have such confidence.
He's going to be crying when Project Blank drops.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What is Project Blank?
It is the short from content project that Leo is going to release. Like Twitter but on the Hive blockchain.
Thank you.
Any idea when we'll see it released?
I hope so
I don't get way you pay any attention to this fake decentralization advocate.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Same reason I told taskmaster
I don't have a Twitter account but this could give me ONE good reason to have one now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You should definitely get on Twitter. A lot of hivers are chillin there when they aren't posting here. Great way to promote your blog too.
I got banned off Twitter several times, so it is hard to do much on Twitter.
That not fair hive cannot be plagiarize
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
and if we look back. It is a steep we all could expect with facebook libra in the past and so on. We only need to win.
Marketing is needed.
WEB 3.0 = Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If Ned was to stop people from leaking 9/11 info onto Steemit, my suggestion would be to have them to be a whistleblower like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, Project Veritas, etc, via Hive Blog.
But to digress, I wonder how Ned would even be able to censor accounts on Steem. I want to assume you cannot censor the blockchain itself but only the Steemit.com app or platform or front-end website URL which connects to the blockchain but is not the blockchain. I hope it is not possible to actually censor or delete things off blockchain. But I understand apps can hide things from blockchain. If Ned hid things, I understand that.
Jack of Twitter can try to copy Hive Blog and Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook can try with Libra to create a fake version of cryptocurrency leader Bitcoin, but in the end it ends up backfiring to lead many people to the real thing.
You are right, he didn't censor them on blockchain level but on interface level. After him, all other interfaces followed and the info could only be viewed by more skilled users using tools to analyze the chain.
I may try to find those people because I want to know more about 9/11.
Long story short, it wasn't Al-Qaeda but an inside job to get an excuse to bomb and rob Afghanistan for a couple of decades.
I also want to know who really killed JFK and I'm not too sure what I think about how Abraham Lincoln died either.
That was actually how I got introduced to Steemit.
I started working on a sort of documentary a while back, and I plan to go into the TheDarkOverlord leaks etc.
But I couldn't find ANY of the posts. THey're all missing from every user interface.
If it's not too much to ask, could you tell me how I could go about viewing what's still on the chain?
I"m curious about the contents, but also I'd like to be able to do that.
I'm not at all tech illiterate, and I'm on Linux so I'm sure I'd be able to figure it out with a point in the right direction?
I encourage people to post articles and videos talking about how the real Blue Sky is Hive Blog.
If we all talk about it, then when people Google and search online for Blue Sky, they might someday see some of our content via Hive Blog, Steemit, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, via emails, other websites.
Maybe not right away but eventually some people may see it and we have the ability to influence and change search results and I know this based on some experiments I did with things I post on the Internet over the years.
We can create hashtags and create contests to encourage many people to attempt to alter the Blue Sky search results in anticipation of when many people may look it up and as it goes viral.
Then more and more people will try to look for information about it and then may run into Hive Blog accidentally and then they may pass it on.
HIVE is opensource and free to fork.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No shit. That would actually be a desirable outcome as it would bring a lot of attention to Hive.
Jack Dorsey is such a tool. I remember him bringing in on some publicity manager nor something when he did that interview with Joe Rogan and Tim Pool. Can't even speak for himself.