My first Leofinance post!

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Hello Leofinancers,

this is @ruth-girl writing. After a lot of @trumpman whining and whining about how much I am missing not posting on this platform I thought I should give it a try.

So, here I am!

Driven by curiosity and FOMO composing my very first post that will hopefully lead...

To a lot more in the future!


I haven't though of a specific series or topic, but I am still in the brainstorming process and I hope to bring a little more feminine "touch" to the platform.

See you soon!!

Original content by @ruth-girl - 2020 - All rights reserved

Posted Using LeoFinance


You married the master of shilling

Welcome 🦁

Posted Using LeoFinance


I am a lucky woman! 😋

Posted Using LeoFinance

Does posting on Leo have to be financial? I know nothing about crypto or finance. It's been years since I touched the check book--my entries were indecipherable and untraceable when I did manage it. Entrusted the checkbook finally to the more practical hands of my husband.

I gave you a full upvote, so soon you will have some leo too!

Also finance is such a broad topic it does t have to only be about stocks or crypto! It can be about precious metals (e.g maybe jewels, billions whatever!) , personals financial goals or tips, how to make cheap recipes, whatever! I am sure you can find something interesting and those Leos may be worth a lot in the future! It would be nice to have you around!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thank you for the clarification. I can start with the time I accidentally threw away my first paycheck for teaching. Does that qualify? Or does that fall more under the heading of psychology :)))

Surely qualifies! More content on the psychology of money and investing is good too. I'm a newbie on LF/HIVE but in time will be writing in the widest sense when it comes to finance. BTW I once bet on a horse in a betting shop. It came in second so did not win anything. Screwed the betting slip up & threw it on the floor. Minutes later the winning horse was disqualified and I was scrabbling around on the floor trying to find my now winning slip amongst dozens of others. The moral of this story is losers can become winners!! I was a broke student and won £40!

Posted Using LeoFinance

That's a great story. First date my husband ever took me on was to a race track. Glad about the win !

It was 1983. £40 was a tidy sum back then!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Yes! 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance

From what I can tell, posts have to be about finance or crypto, but even for people like us (with no deep knowledge) it could be easy. In our house, Trumpman deals with this stuff too because I am really bad at crypto and I can't "digest" all the terms and processes. So I trust him with the hard work and I follow him on projects I find promising and easy for me to handle, like I did with Steemit in the first place. Leo posts now, could be about the cost of living in a country, how much you could buy with an amount of crypto given the current balances, possible free crypto sources or new networks like Hive and Leo (I'm telling you exactly what trumpman told me about this platform, so for more information you can either ask him or check the Leo FAQ here:

I hope I helped out a little bit!! 💖🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance

I'd like to support the community, because I like to support people I know. Just felt adrift because I know nothing about finance. However, I do know a bit about collectibles, coins and stuff, because my husband had an interest in that once. And I know a lot about losing money in bad investments :))

💙 🌷🌷🌷💙 Thank you for that response, @ruth-girl. Much appreciated.

Δεν είναι δύσκολο, απλό είναι....

Και εμένα στην αρχή μου φάνηκε δύσκολο αλλά τελικά είναι εύκολο.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Αφού έχω άντρα που ξέρει τα κόλπα θα μου τα μάθει όλα στο άψε σβήσε 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance

Welcome 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thanks!! :D

Posted Using LeoFinance

Welcome to the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Find your topic and you will do great guaranteed!

Thanks! It's nice to see so many familiar faces here! I'm sure I'll figure something nice to post about. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance

It was about time!
I bet you will come up with the best ideas and wonderful content :)
I am so looking forward to your leo posts ...

I am sooo wondering ..
What did it take to convince you?
@trumpman ? Share your secrets with us?

Posted Using LeoFinance

I should have come here earlier, but with the wedding and stuff I didn't feel like blogging at all.

His secret is his magic sex weapon, that's how he talked me into posting here :P

Posted Using LeoFinance

I didnt read that comment ...

I can definitely welcome other newbies (at least on leofinance) in town :P
Trumpman is the Hiveman/Leofinanceman 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the warm welcome, I see my man is already a celebrity here! :P

Posted Using LeoFinance

Yeah. Ruth-girl-man is very popular on the blockchain :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome Trumplady!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thank you! Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Welcome babe!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Nice to see you babe! <3

Posted Using LeoFinance

It was about time!
I bet you will come up with the best ideas and wonderful content :)
I am so looking forward to your leo posts ...

Posted Using LeoFinance