I remember talking a friend through sunk cost fallacy once upon a time. They were confused coming out of a bad relationship that they kept trying to fix with the ex even though they told me neither of them even wanted the relationship anymore and they did eventually come to realise that it was purely because they'd been together for what passed as a long time when you're high school/uni age and it seemed a "shame" to give it up after having spent so much time and resources on it.
We didn't even know there was a name for it at the time.
People's ideas of "enough of a chance" vary so much. I'd consider half a season a pretty good chance. But then again I once got told by a dismayed friend when I decided to switch to Mac that I "never gave Windows a chance". Apparently the prior decade or so where I'd exclusively used various versions of Windows (3.11, 95, 98SE, and 2k Pro that I'd started dual booting with Ubuntu before finally and angrily jumping ship) wasn't enough of a chance either XD and meanwhile I know of others where if the first episode of a show or the first sentence of a book doesn't grab them they're done.
Skin in the game is exhausting.
And a lot of organization... :D
You only use an Apple? you left too early. Windows 27 is going to be amazing!
Yup, which is why so many people proxy their skin to others and then wonder why they get cold.
Bahahahahahhahahaaaaa XD
It can be as amazing as it likes, will stick with my linux frankenbox and my Apple portables ;D (least til Apple pisses of right off too)
Two simultaneous mental images with the skin proxy comment was of ancient humans with animal skins (or more specifically one with all the proxied skins and others with no skins being cold) and the other was a modern human with human pelts and puzzled skinless humans around them, and me wondering in the latter case how all the muscles and organs and things were staying in place (clearly the same kind of magic that animates skeletons in undead hoardes).
Back in the ancient days, they definitely had skin in the game and it was either take the animals or, have yours taken. I wonder if besides warmth, it was also used as a way to connect with their world?
Do you remember the movie silence of the lambs?
Enough to know what you're talking about XD