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RE: A million houses and a trillion beers

in LeoFinance4 years ago

imagining a thousand houses or a million houses is impossible

A thousand houses is a suburb (or maybe a chunk of big suburb?), a million houses is half my capital city XD

and that's just straight up numbers not even type of house so I don't keep overthinking things again

our children and grandchildren as future taxpayers - if they are able to get a job

My babies are going to try again to get jobs this year, they might be fine for a little while but just pre-covid one of the older kids from gym (a couple of years older than my oldest) was starting to have difficulty with their work not giving them shifts (probably because the late teens/early 20s crowd have to be paid more) so I'm anticipating similar problems and currently encouraging mine to investigate alternative forms of income (including hive) rather than focusing soley on trying to "get a job" (which is pissing off the more overly conservative family members who don't seem to be cottoning on that all the oldschool stuff that used to work isn't really working anymore even though a pretty big thing of J and I being unable to "upgrade" our house happened).

I like to think that a lot of people do imagine the world differently, they just fail to do differently.


encouraging mine to investigate alternative forms of income (including hive) rather than focusing soley on trying to "get a job"

With such parents coming into existence, the future might be bright, after all ;)

I don't think mine will be pioneering in any way, we're quite normal and boring for the most part XD

my middle child is now part of the "alt" scene that I used to be part of back in the day but even though I believed then as she does now that it was all different and special it was and is still actually pretty "normal" XD

But who knows they might surprise me.

The three of them actually have hive accounts (from back when it was steem), it doesn't yet quite cater to the kinds of things they get up to so for the moment I've just got them trailing my votes and autocollecting rewards. I'm going to try to get them posting again this year (for homeschooling purposes if nothing else), the younger two are at least vaguely interested XD

Well, yeah, young people have other priorities. And nothing should be imposed on them but we may try and teach them about the possibilities. Some of the games might come in handy and once somebody realizes they need more resources for their games and they can earn them by a sincere post or two...who knows. Yet, their time shall come.

We don't have the user base yet vast enough so that we can be like an encyclopedia on all topics. It's all personal opinions and experience here. Still, it could serve educational purposes once we find those who write things that make sense. I see people posting about writing and editing, marketing, investing, martial arts, painting, photography, music, travel, sports...One can wait for the space to become popular or be among those who turn it into a popular space.

Patience is key, in any case. I got mature friends who have knowledge of cryptocurrencies and still think they better not be involved. Not everything is for everybody but we can show how close it is to one's interests, once we get there. Over and over? That depends on the reaction. And on our own delivery. And we shall see what else...

I was just going to try to get them to write here as a way to produce work samples as there was some practical application for it, nothing so fancy ^_^;

Sure, one can build a portfolio of articles, for example. Or practice in essay writing in any sphere.