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RE: Capitalizing on Society

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It's a bit hard to be "forever a child" while you're complaining about everyone else's lack of work ethic which is absolutely something a grumpy old person does ;D

My birthday is pretty close to youngest's so I always forget mine while organising his. This year I got reminded by a friend who wished me happy birthday as it ticked over midnight for them and I was like wat and they were like IS MY CALENDAR SOMEHOW WRONG and then when I checked the date I was like OH YEH THANKS.

I'm not smart and got mercilessly mocked for a bit

Isn't that problem of "how much is enough" and feeling like you should just have more the reason why some people have an obscene amount of whatever? XD


I am a grumpy old man!!!!
With the naive views of a child

Birthdays are even more of a non-event these days. I think I might go out of my way to do nothing :D

The "how much is enough" is not just for me, as I think it will be used to underpin systems for others - like stake on Hive.

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