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RE: From a little to a lot

in LeoFinance4 years ago

even if the "daily" pay isn't worth it

You know what I'm going to say to this :D

for those that don't know what I'm going to say to this, it's something along the lines of even if you're earning cents here it's still more than you would get posting on the older socnets


But cents are not enough!
People seemingly prefer hearts and thumbs.

Feels good to feel like you have "clout" I guess (that's what the cool kids are calling it these days).

Or when your hard work finally pays off and companies start "sponsoring" you (ie sending you products to place or you give them shoutouts/say some nice stuff about them in your videos).

And there is also the usual to contend with, while crypto is slowly mainstreaming there are still people who are smugly wqay too smart to be "tricked" into believing it can possibly be anything other than the absolute scam that it most definitely is.

Only vaguely related, I had a conversation in the car last night with my eldest and saying it was a shame his games couldn't integrate cryptos as he would most definitely be rich by now. He then launched into this huge thing about how the game economy (both internally and externally) would have to change to accommodate something that was actually worth money and I only barely understood what the actual hell he was talking about (plus I was driving which never helps) but as he was rattling on I was thinking he could have great chats with you and J about this XD