The skills needed to farm, build, create, make etc are still needed, but there is no one to do it.
Meanwhile eldest (after dabbling with the usual "get rich quick" schemes that people like to sell courses about) is excitedly getting into trades because there is always money in trades AND it's always useful XD
Middle child wants to do childcare (I don't remember the STEM push but there's the stereotype of the thought after that XD) and youngest currently wants to be a bartender.
And if it's any consolation there is a large number of people into backyard homesteading (there's at least one community here!) and I don't think decentralising food production is the worst idea.
The accuracy degrades the younger the planner. :)
LoL! As much as I'm struggling to think of exceptions there, so very generally true XD
I know lots and lots of professional women, most would prefer to stay at home with their kids, but they actually feel that they can't, as it is like letting the team down. There is social pressure. Many men want to stay home too, but there is social pressure to be the bread winner there also.
We were talking about that too XD
What freaking team, I thought one of the initial purposes of the exercise was the ability to make that choice sans judgement.