I could rearrange things to buy tiny increments (and I'd absolutely be dollar cost averaging because I'm nowhere near smart enough to do the day trading shenanigans), I am just violently allergic to KYC x_x
So I'll just sit on my hp forever XP
I never see any reason to wait for anyone else to do the bailing but I am also used to people who will sit around crying about how this, that or the other thing isn't done or happening but don't see why they should be the ones to do all the hard work XD
You mean KYC to buy bitcoin? Yeah I know what you mean. That's why I held off forever but when bitcoin was 5k I couldn't help myself!
Fyn the whale! You could get someone else to buy it for you!
I'm not going to get any bigger in a hurry because the buy in options for people who don't like kyc basically don't exist XD
I could, but that requires getting someone else to buy it for me x_x