Woooo! Huge congrats on your goals! I love your formatting post and was happy to link it.
Regarding sales, I wrote a mega-guide on Business (similar to my guide to Hive) if you're interested. You said you welcomed advice, so I'ma link it: https://jryze.me/simple/
It gives a deep understanding of business success, the same way my other guide gave a deep understanding of Hive.
Hope it helps! 🙏
Thank you! I will surely take a look!
@brutalisti that guide Jay linked is super helpful and I share it often. If you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to ask one of us.
@ryzeonline very nice of you to share the link. Business IS simple. So many people have gotten lots of value from it.
Thanks for the kind words (and you're not biased 'cause you proofread it, right?) :D lol
100% 😝
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Awesome, I'd love to know what you think of it and if it enlightens you at all regarding 'selling' :)