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RE: Why Bitcoin Will Beat The US Dollar!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Haha, the outlook is grim from nibbly-pibbles, lol.

Yes, "accepted for value" is the principle all currency operates on, very good of you to point it out, and I could've definitely covered that more/deeper in my post. That said, the principle does not mean all currencies are created equal, nor does it mean the 'accepted-for-value' sytem can't be corrupted, unfortunately, lol.

Great point about most of us needing the dollar to even understand the value of precious metals at this point, omg.

Everything's 'going digital' and it's likely finance/money will too... I guess we'll see if the governments get their way, and how it all plays out.

Thanks for sharing your insights, wishing you a great weekend! 🙏


nor does it mean the 'accepted-for-value' sytem can't be corrupted

Everything is corruptable, especially if it's a concept, which is what "accepted for value" is. I can see why gold has always been seen as a store of value, because it doesn't oxidise (corrupt) like most other metals. Unfortunately, it still requires wide spread acceptance of it being valuable for it to work, so again it's put into a conceptual form.

The idea of money is a fantastic concept at its core, though, and has a fascinating history. Even as seashells you can see the people who lived near the sea as the bankers who can generate the currency for use.

Yes, I totally agree, well said. Thanks for your comments, I believe they've added positively to the discussion, you rock! :) 🙏

You do seem to touch on a lot of subjects I fascinating, so I enjoy the conversations and learning a bit more. 😁

(grin) Well, I just go towards whatever topic calls to me, but I'm thrilled our conversations are enjoyable to you. I feel the same! 🙏