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RE: Why Bitcoin Will Beat The US Dollar!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

My sincere apologies for missing this wonderful comment, @steveparma !

Yes, there is irony there indeed, good observation!

I'd not heard about that regarding quarters but it makes sense, lol.

Inflation has been going on a long time (since ancient China), even if reserves weren't unequal pre-fed, I've no doubt they would've found some other way to do it, haha.

Yes, USD being the global reserve currency is a huge 'shield' for it's value, but it's not invincible, and it's rapidly declining, especially with the advent of crypto, whether China ends up being involved or not.

Glad you enjoyed the article, thanks so much for your comment. Apologies again for late reply, and wishing you a great day! 🙏


It's ok. I don't remember if someone doesn't respond or anything.