After more or less 3 weeks of testing the Tap-2-Earn games on Telegram, I now realized what a privilege we have here on Hive. Though the incentives are micro for small stake holders, they are relatively reliable and certain. Unlike T2E, it's like you are chasing a wind.
It's nice, as mentioned earlier I realized it instantly after playing it for a day . We can earn more on HIVE and Inleo if we keep engaging.
I have to learn it from experience.
Good for you. Thank you for sharing as I thought maybe if I had made a hasty decision of not playing them. But no regrets now.
The values and the mindset that these T2E games promote are short-term. I worry that a health and work crisis might occur if users lose their self-discipline. These games are addictive. I have no problem with it if the gamer is the one setting the limits and not them dictating what to do.
I checked them out but didn't want to spend time on something that would maybe earn me something. I rather blog / thread and engage with people than tapping a screen.