Contrary to mainstream narrative, Tom Woods in his book, Meltdown identified six culprits in the subprime crisis of 2007-2009: GSEs such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Carter's Community Reinvestment Act revived under Clinton administration, speculation, private rating agencies, tax code, and the Federal Reserve and its monetary policy.
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac both deserved to go bankrupt or be defunded, yet they were allowed to survive by Congress and the federal government. This was a point of contention in real-time, but it went down the memory hole a short time later.
And the tax payers suffered to pay for the bailout bonanza. The public attention span is short.
The public's attention span is short, sadly, and that's how the institutions we trusted to lead us want it. Thankfully for us, there is the Internet, and there is the written word. The people will learn of this betrayal eventually.
Though it will take some time. Good thing is a few of us have already realized what happened and that's why trust has already been shattered. Good thing is we have the Bitcoin code.