
yes. Very easily. I just did. I logged into solinterlands using keychain

Yes, you can use using KeyChain, but KeyChain will use your Active Key to sign the transaction if you have it added.

The reason why Active Key is required is because it is a sensitive operation that shouldn't be done using the Posting Key.

Ah, that's why. I haven't added my Active Key yet on KeyChain. I thought the transaction is as simple as buying and sending cards.

Buying/sending cards also require the active key because assets are sent from one account to another and require a higher authority than the posting key.

Really? How come I can buy and send cards using Hive Keychain and yet I cannot vote for a proposal without entering my active key?

No idea. I am being asked for my active key both when I move assets on Splinterlands and when I vote for a proposal. Both with Keychain.