
It's currently about 2.75% (before this comment). 🤔 That's why I want some Resource Credit delegations. 😂 500 billion RC mana will do. 😅 !LOLZ !CTP

I am looking for the sample you gave. I could not find it. I should have saved what I did with my son's account.

I already told you yesterday how to delegate Resource Credits using #PeakD on your own wallet page at 😏 The forgetfulness has scored against you again! 😆😅 !LOLZ !CTP

I checked it yesterday, but it looks like there is no change in my wallet's function.

What do you mean? 🤔 Which Hive frontend are you referring to? 🤔 The #Ecency frontend hasn't implemented Resource Credit delegations yet. 😅 !PIZZA !CTP

No, I mean PeakD. I checked my wallet, but it looks like there is no change.

Just click the dropdown button beside the DELEGATE button on your #PeakD wallet to see the Delegate RC option. 🤓

Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

Credit: mimismartypants
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Thanks for the 500 billion Resource Credit mana delegation! 🤗 Now I can continue our conversations here on Hive! 😅

Is it only 1 B? Anyhow, I did it the old way. 😂


I accidentally typed 1 billion instead of 500 billion because my Resource Credits drain so fast. 😂 !CTP

Oh! Can that also be included in the Mind Problem family? 🤣


You still haven't named the potential member that replaces one thing with another thing! 🤣


I encountered another problem with my Resource Credits, and @savvyplayer is unable to increase my RC. 😅


And why is that?

It's because delegating Resource Credits and Hive Power to the same Hive account isn't compatible with each other. 🤯 Maybe you can delegate to me 500M (not just 500B) Resource Credits again. 😅

Thanks for your Resource Credit delegation. 🤗 Now that my RC is sitting at 100% (or very close to it) for an extended period of time, you can now withdraw your RC delegation to me. 😄


How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

Credit: reddit
@savvytester, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

If you check my Resource Credits now, you will see that it is 100% (or at least 99%). 😏 You may withdraw all your RC delegation to my account (as well as the other account). 😅

Thanks for the delegation! 😀 Have some !LUV with !CTP! 😁

You're welcome!

It's done. 😊


Whenever you withdraw a Resource Credit delegation, it is removed from the delegatee from the "unused" RC pool, and is added to you on your "used" RC pool. 🤓 That's why you should avoid undelegating RC only after a few days of delegating them. 😏 !LUV !CTP

Ok I got it.

I wonder if you can find other Hive accounts which need your Resource Credit delegations. 🤔😅 !PIZZA !CTP

Well, I don't know anyone asking for RC delegation.

Maybe they ran out of Resource Credits in the first place to post or comment that they need RC delegations. 😅 !PIZZA

Anyway, the #GiftGiver ( free Hive Power delegation service and faucet is currently not delegating out HP (or RC). 🤔 !CTP