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RE: Cryptocurrency: Leading To A Day When Governments Have To Compete

in LeoFinance3 years ago

A very appropriate description of contemporary government and politics all over the world, and yet many are still either too blind or in denial, dismissing that those who accept interpretations like this are the real enemies:

Throughout the world, tyranny is being ratcheted up. Oppression is achieving a new level. This is throughout the entire world. Nobody is spared.

People are forced to endure whatever rules are set forth.

Governments are about power. . . . No matter the system nor the party in place, it is about expanding their control over people so the few at the top can enjoy the majority of the benefits.

And if I may rephrase what you already said:

A parasitical class that is inherently corrupt and enriches themselves and yet thick-faced to promise poverty reduction and economic inclusion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta