The addition of BTC to the Hive ecosystem will be a great move forward and will give an opportunity to Hivers like me to own even a small piece of the crypto King.
The addition of BTC to the Hive ecosystem will be a great move forward and will give an opportunity to Hivers like me to own even a small piece of the crypto King.
you can trade swap.btc already since a long time on the Hive Engine.
swap.btc is centrally controlled and issued. It is not decentralized and it poses a significant risk to the community. It's already been hacked in the past resulting in funds lost as prove of such an issue. SPK aims to bring fully decentralized swapping that remains trustless and secure. More details will be announced at HiveFest.
Oh, good to know.
oh never knew it had been
Is that so? Thanks.
Yes exactly.
It will help a great deal.