Among the list of keywords, I think my interest is short of one word. I can write an SEO article about "SPS airdrop", but not about "SPS airdrop cards." As for the other keywords, that to me is really difficult.
I still remember in 2009 when I was writing in oDesk( now Upwork). All clients require an SEO-optimized article. I didn't have a problem with that since I was receiving my pay. But when it comes to my own blog, I really struggle writing for search engines.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well anything that is done is of help. We are looking at the collective, not the individual. Over time, as we improve a bit more, the overall effort will help the rankings.
Keywords have a way of just showing up. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I forgot how we do it during those days. A skill once learned but left unused will soon be forgotten. I am not sure if it was Google analytics that suggests those keywords SEO writers should write about.
Odds are what was effective in those days is likely changed. The search engines (okay Google) is always revamping their algos. So it is likely the "tricks' used in the past are now no longer effective.
It is a matter of finding the new ones.
That said, linked content still seems to be one of the keys.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, keywords are constantly changing. The tension is between writing creatively for human readers and writing for the machine. I am not sure if this is true. Due to SEO abuses done in the past, I heard someone say that SEO now is more organic. Literally, during those days you can read articles, in which keywords are properly placed but the following sentences in the paragraphs have nothing to do with the topic itself. It has been a long time since I stopped writing SEO articles. The challenge now is how to maintain both SEO and creativity, writing for both human readers and the machine.
Now you can think of it as pay with the enhanced curation for SEO promoting articles.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, if writing about "SPS airdrop" really drives traffic, I can do that.
I will post the link on Twitter!
:)Yes, tag me #shortsegments
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Keywords are crazy drivers of web traffic!
Your efforts will help us all in the end, and who knows which SEO effort will bring us a celebrity or billionaire to support our community?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, I have to review first some documents about the SPS airdrop.
You can do a post about the SPS airdrop and when it is ending.
Give a warning if you will. That could help the ranking.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, I will find time one of these days.