It is inspiring story Jon, instead of complaining that Paypal killed you and keep ranting you worked for alternatives and keep building the business.
May be one day Paypal executives read about Hivepay and think "Oh no!, By shutting that business we did more damage to ourselves than him".
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Oh I was mad....Really mad for the pain it caused my customers and my family...But at the end of the day, I shouldn't have put all my eggs in one basket.
So discovering alternatives like Hive, made sense. Now it's just getting all my members to jump on board the train :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You know I still can't get an account with PayPal? I give it a whirl every 6 months or so. @jangle still has hers. IT'S NOT FAIR!
Yeah I haven't even tried...My wife has hers but we never use it. I'm stubborn, I won't go back lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta