
I read science fiction. When I was younger I read Heinlein, Azimov, Clarke, Doc Smith and all the masters. Unfortunately they all died. Then I begin reading Ian Banks (he died too) Weber and a host of authors mostly published by Baen Books.

Then catastrophe happened, as far a book buying is concerned, I retired. My discrentionary income (book buying money) shrunk. I mean REALLY shrunk. I used to spend a hundred dollars on a visit to a bookstore. Now I spend ten dollars a month on Kindle Unlimited. I still manage to find a lot of books to read but the overall quality has declined. It takes a while to find a good one but I keep trying.

Kindle is a good to have. Robin Reads is a good place to find some books. Have you checked out your local library. Happy book hunting.

back in the day I used to go to libraries a lot. Not so much anymore. Thanx

Sorry it took me awhile to reply. I understand about going to the library, now days they sometimes mail books out, and you might even get digital books. Good luck in your reading adventures. I hope you find some good reads.