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RE: Argentina: Javier Milei

in LeoFinancelast year

I do not share the almost child like illusions which many in the BTC community have in the new president of Argentina. He wants to make the working/middle class of Argentina pay for the economic crisis afflicting the country. He has promised to make huge cuts in government spending in numerous areas by abolishing numerous government departments. In the real world this means tens of thousands of people being sacked. This reactionary has no solutions to the economic crisis facing Argentina and if you believe that adopting the US dollar and making noises about BTC will solve those then you are an economic illiterate.
The central banker scam is another fallacious argument of the libertarian ie ultra right wing BTC community. As Marx explained in Das Capital the rapacious exploitation of those sell their labour power is inbuilt into the very fabric of capitalism. Getting rid of central banks won't change that nor will going back to the mythical 'golden age' of a gold standard.
The new president of Argentina will face a huge wave of opposition as he goes forward with his reactionary economic agenda and allies himself with the murderous foreign policy goals of US imperialism.


Bitcoiners and anyone who doesn't live in Argentina (99.5% of the population) have the luxury of not taking this issue seriously. If it works out they benefit and if it doesn't work out it doesn't affect them. That's not a childlike illusion so much as a standard self-centered attitude.

To say that central banks do not extract value from the citizens that use their product is provably false. This is the entire business model of a central bank and cannot operate in any other way. To say that Bitcoin can't help citizens store their value outside the control-grid infrastructure would also not be a wise platform to stand on.

Unfortunately there is indeed a very high chance that this outcome fares poorly for the people of Argentina, which after all is the main topic of conversation.