
At my friend's wedding, He had spent all his money and still need some cash for drinks and food.

The worst part is that it was my only capital and means of survival.



Why will become indebted because of celebration?

I was not the only person owed by him


Mine was painful because that's my only survival.


All his capital was wasted in that occasion


His suffering tripled when his wife gave birth to a baby girl. Now, three mouth to be fed when there is virtual nothing to do


He was stable in business and doing well. Why will he engaged in extravaganza in the name of marriage


Till now, he have not paid me back... I did not bother about it but regret my actions of helping him.

I am too emotional to people's needs


if you loan money to someone that is not faithful with money, it will not end well.
So sorry.

now, I give alms to friends and family, not loan

It's better to be safe than sorry

sure. He