Click and Learn how proper fiscal management and strengthened anti-corruption practices can improve nigerian economy and reduce debt via:
Click and Learn how proper fiscal management and strengthened anti-corruption practices can improve nigerian economy and reduce debt via:
I really hope that anti-corruption agencies in Nigeria could be strong enough to fight strong political or wealthy individuals. The problem is that they accept bribes too often.
Bribery and other form of corruption are bedevil our nation. It drains our wealth and fortune leading poor development of our land and they keep borrowing to be looted again.
Its so sad and these things seem to have no end here
what are praying for a little change. Not same mistakes always
I wish our Leaders can read some of this your content, so that at least we can be free from debits.
They know better but limited to enforce a change.
Recently, EFCC are being bribed to keep shut over certain matters, if only they would agree to do the right things
mmany of their officials are not honest in discharging their duties.
Exactly, hence situations worsen
Nigeria can't be free from debt because each government that comes in will still go and borrow the amount of money borrowed can last a time,I don't blame them I blame the people that always give them each time they requested
Every nation borrows from others but some are free now. When they get their fiscal analysis right and fight corruption
Corruption is one of the reasons Nigeria is still backwards. Our leaders have looted the country dry.
We are serious bleeding.
I can't agree less. This post says it all.
yeah. Its say it all.
No matter how had we try , this might work in other countries but not in Nigeria
Ghana was worst than but things are getting better as a resesult of political stability so can happen in nigerian political and economic state
If Nigerians can control corruption a little I believe things will be better, but honestly the way people behave today just because of money I don't even think they see it as corruption
that's my believe and view on the published post. Thanks for the summary.
your most welcome
corruption, corruption is everywhere in this country, even students are also corrupt, God save us.